This week we have hit £20,000 in our fundraising efforts for the Village Hall refurbishment.    We received a £5,000 grant from the Englefield Charitable Trust and the Peasemore Committee Summer Social raised nearly £1,200 using the Greenham Trust match funding.  This is great progress especially given we can’t apply for larger grants until we have the fully costed tender which should be completed in the next few weeks.

The Peasemore Committee Auction of Promises is in full swing so get your bids in as it all goes to the refurbishment fund.

The planning application to extend the Village Hall has been approved by West Berkshire Council which is great news. 

This means the Village Hall refurbishment plan can proceed to the detailed tender stage – this will take several weeks to complete.  Applications for larger grants cannot happen until the tender is finalised and fully costed.

In the meantime the Peasemore Committee continues with its tremendous programme of events in aid of the Village Hall refurbishment.

Thanks Ian

The Peasemore Committee announced their next fundraiser for the Village Hall Refurbishment project, the Peasemore Auction of Promises.

The aim of the event is to get local villagers and contacts to provide services which can be auctioned all proceeds going towards the project

For all the information including some samples and the form go to

Planning permission for the small extension between the current kitchen and toilet block has been made with a decision due by mid -September.   Comments can be made to West Berkshire Council (ref. 24/01228/FUL) on the application until the 15th August. 

The vaulted ceiling design has been approved by the Parish Council following analysis of the heating cost implications which is a positive saving and subject to acoustic measures contingency if required.

The detailed building tender document will be issued once planning permission has been obtained.

Finally on Tue 6th August we have a visit from the Greenham Trust who could make a grant up to £45,000 which would be a major contribution to our required funding.  They look for evidence of local community support with fundraising donations being a key indicator for them.   If anyone is thinking of donating (of any size) and could possibly do it before the 6th Aug visit, this would hugely improve our chances of securing the grant.

If anyone wants to donate cash, please contact Ian Seatree (07979 7000367 or who can collect and ensure payment to the Good Exchange.

Many thanks for your ongoing support

The Village hall refurbishment team have announced the availability of the donations portal for contributions towards the project.

We are utilising “the good exchange” portal which is provided by the Greenham Trust to maximise donations to our account in that the Greenham Trust will fund match £1/£1 any donations submitted through the site.

In addition to direct donations we will be approaching other organisations to request financial assistance, more details to follow.

You can visit the site at any time to see the latest contributions and also add any donations

The Good Exchange website

Following the consultation in the village hall during June the latest updated plans are now available for viewing, they can also be found in the documents section of the main Village Hall Refurbishment page which has been created to provide a single source of updates and information on the project. We will be building on the content over the coming weeks